Sunday, May 23, 2010

I am super exhausted

I try to clean my kitchen and I can only stand for 20 mins max. Why does it seewm like this disease is hitting me faster than most?!? I eat right-fish, grains, veggies, fruit-ride my recumbant stationary bike and take the Copaxone. This makes no sense

Monday, May 17, 2010


my body sux!! I dunno...sometimes when I have trouble walking it just needs to end. I really want this squeezing feeling to go away. why does god hate me?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why am I like this?

You may ask why I am crabby right now. Well maybe it is because I was stuck at home almost all day again, as I always am because I do not own a car nor can I walk down to the bus stop. Or maybe because I moved across the country, thousands of miles away from my family, friends and dream job, or maybe just maybe because I have now an overdrafted bank account because we had to pay our rent and we cannot even pay the rest od our utilities. yeah Im crabby. Now yu have invited YOUR friends to stay with us for a week. yeah cuz we have TONS of money to feed you, pay for the more water you will be using. YAY! yes I am crabby.